sâmbătă, octombrie 20, 2007

Devil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4 revine in atentia noastra cu o pauza de 2 ani in care s-a lucrat la aceasta continuare care se vrea a fi cea mai buna de pana acum,sincer sa fim 3-ul ne-a cam suparat asa putin.Jocul va aparea pe PS3,Xbox 360 si PC(de aceasta data nu va fi doar o portare,ci se lucreaza deodata la toate platformele).
Data de lansare nu se stie exact inca dar va voi tine la curent cu acest detaliu.Acest hack'n'slash powered de o grafica next-gen ne vom holba cand vom in fi in toiul bataliei la cat de bine arata.
Povestea?Ei bine citeste mai jos ca pe mine nu ma impresionat asa tare.
"Long ago the Dark Knight Sparda rebelled against the dark emperor and waged a one-man war to save humanity. Thousands of years later, a religious organization worships this renowned savior and has taken it upon themselves to rid the world of all evil. Residing in Fortuna, this organization is known as the "Order of the Sword," and is made up of an elite group of "Holy Knights." One day a young knight named Nero witnesses Sparda’s legendary son Dante slaughter his fellow warriors. Has the renowned devil hunter turned his back on mankind? What does this encounter mean for these two individuals?"
Esti pregatit sa il indrumi pe Nero spre distractie si haos?

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