marți, octombrie 09, 2007

Halo - The Movie

Se pare ca pana la urma proiectul Halo pentru cinematografe este declarat "mort".Pana nu cu mult in urma chiar toti credeam ca il vom vedea pe Master Chief nimicind coventanti :D
Dupa interviul cu Neill Blomkamp acordat celor de reiese ca pana la urma nu se va putea finaliza proiectu datorita disputelor dintre Universal Pictures si Fox.El a mai declarat ca va accepta cu bucurie sa regizeze filmul in continuare daca se ajunge la o intelegere pana atunci el va lucra la alt proiect.Mai jos in limba engleza interviul acordat celor de la

"The film is entirely dead. In the configuration it was in. Whatever happens with that movie, assuming that movie gets made, will be a totally different configuration," Blomkamp informed "It's not so much me as the entire vessel sank. Basically, it was a combination of; there were two studios involved that weren't getting along in the process of making it, Universal and Fox. That kind of stuff happens, it's a fragile industry. So the film collapsed at the end of last year, and it's been dead, ever since then. I'll be curious to see what happens."

But Blomkamp didn't shut the door on
Halo entirely, saying, "As I'm getting older one of the things I've realized most about this industry is never say never. That's the first thing. Right now, I can't see myself doing that film. But I'm not going to say that I'm not going to do it. So in the present moment, right now, I could take it or leave it. It doesn't matter to me anymore. There's too much interesting shit out there. The film has the capacity, if things line up correctly, to be, I think, really cool. But it ended up collapsing, and things happen for a reason."

Sa speram ca vom prinde filmul in era noastra :D

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